Clean energy
23 Mar 2022

Clean Energy refers to energy that do not contribute to the pollution of the atmosphere, and also it can be referred to renewable energy that has added benefit of lessening the risk of environmental disasters.

Although  all green energy is clean energy, not all renewable energy is necessarily clean or green. Recall, for example, that some large hydroelectric dams may be considered “renewable” in the strictest sense, but perhaps not green or clean, due to the environmental and social harm they can cause. Energy sources are also not typically considered “green” when their implementation involves mining or drilling operations that can have similarly damaging effects on ecosystems.(read more here )

Clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight and wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather.

Did you know ?….

One wind turbine can power up to 1,500 homes for a year.


Find more info on clean energy here